The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 13 [Parts 1 to 6] by Yu Okano

The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 13 [Parts 1 to 6] by Yu Okano

Author:Yu Okano
Language: eng
Format: epub

Chapter 2: A Report and a Request From a Blacksmith

“I’d like to report a completed job,” I said. “Is now a good time?”

Having returned to Maalt, I found myself across from Sheila at the Guild’s reception.

“Of course,” she said. “Let’s see, the job you took was... Ah, the one from Crask Village. Since you’re back, I assume that there weren’t any issues?”

“Well...that’s the thing...”

The job was definitely finished—that much was certain. However, a lot of things had happened that were pretty out of the ordinary. It would probably be best if I explained.

“Did something happen?” Sheila asked. Her time working for the Guild had apparently made her perceptive enough to pick up on my tone. She didn’t seem unduly worried either.

“Well, the Crask Village job was to slay five or so skeletons that had shown up in the village. That part went smoothly enough.”

“There was more to it?”

“Yeah. There were five skeletons wandering around, sure, but then I found more. After looking into it, I figured out that they weren’t random stray monsters, but there was actually a source producing skeletons near Crask.”

“Many adventurers would have asked for the job to be called off there—but I take it you didn’t, did you, Rentt?”

Sheila had said “many,” but my estimate was that it would be a little more than half—mostly the Bronze-class parties for whom anything more than five skeletons could be a real threat.

With an active spawning point, someone strong enough to have a shot at stopping it—even a group of Bronze-classers in the upper ranks would do—generally wouldn’t cancel the job. And not because they were being reckless or overestimated themselves, but because monster spawners were dangerous phenomena that needed to be cleaned up as quickly as possible. If left for several months, in a worst-case scenario we’d suddenly have several hundred skeletons on our hands. That rarely happened, of course, but it wasn’t impossible.

That was about half of all adventurers would continue with the job—though renegotiating the pay and conditions was possible, naturally.

“Yeah, I kept going with it,” I explained. “And just as I figured, I found a skeleton spawner. I purified it with holy water, though, so it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.”

“I see. And in regard to the increased commission fee...?”

“I spoke about it with the headman. Since the village was torn up pretty badly, I turned the offer down. I did get my food and board for free, though, as well as a number of rare ingredients and plants from the villagers, so...not a bad deal, all in all.”

“Is that so? Well, given what happened, the Guild might have had to take measures if you had received no additional pay or compensation at all—but if you’re satisfied, Rentt, then I’m sure there’ll be no issues. Incidentally, what rare plants did you receive?”

I’d been surprised when Rivul had brought it up while we were eating, but apparently lutedd herbs grew in the vicinity of the village. Lutedd herbs were extremely rare and could be sold for a lot in the royal capital because they were vital to the powering mechanisms of small machinery.


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